For many years, I've reminded myself that I'm a recovering CPA and that's been helpful. About a year ago, I realized that I'm also a recovering perfectionist! What took me so long to realize this fact? It's a daily challenge and when I remember, I'm much more successful.
Many days, I work hard to make every decision/action to be perfect AND I find myself analyzing, over analyzing and re-analyzing! These behaviors come from my childhood belief that I had to be right and was not supposed to make a mistake.
I also learned that I could and was supposed to control everything. After many years, I've learned that I don't have control over anything or anybody, including myself, most of the time!
At this time, I'm at my best when I'm pressing ahead, taking steps, making decisions, making progress, whether perfect or not.
In the movie, Peaceful Warrior, Nick Nolte says "There's never, nothing, going on and there are no Ordinary Moments!" Every day, every step, there's something important going on and it's my job to make "progress", whether perfect or not. Life can be fun and successful when I realize I don't have to be perfect!
What about you?
What are you wanting to Control?
How Perfect do you have/want to be?
What is keeping you from making Progress?
What Progress could you make if you let go of perfectionism?